Our honeymoon!Well this past weekend Nathan and I had our 6th wedding anniversary! It amazes me how time passes by so fast! It feels like just yesterday I went on my first date with him! Which that was over 10yrs ago already. We've have had so many memories and experiences over this awesome 6yrs and I'm so excited for what God has in store for us in the future.
Nathan has brought so much joy to my life! He is an amazing Godly leader of our family and I pray that our sweet Mimi finds a guy just like her daddy one day! (not for 35yrs though, right?)!
Not only has he brought joy directly to my life but to Miriam's life also! It makes me smile so big to watch her face when
daddy walks in the room, or daddy chases after her. She has an amazing love for the man I am madly in love with!
A true blessing, which we probably take advantage of, is that Nathan LOVES to sing and play the guitar! Everyone who knows him understands his passion to lead people to a deeper worship experience with the Lord! So, between him and Miriam playing guitars and singing ( she wants to be just like daddy, Microphone and all) I am always entertained. This is another reason he brings joy and love to my life! His passion for worshipping the Lord! Our house always has live music playing, wow! Blessed!

I could go on and on about how awesome of a husband and father he is but I'm going to save some of that for a later blog! So, I will tell you about our date night!
Nathan and I have crazy, crazy schedule between me working some nights and some days, and him working the same! So, we don't always get to go out on dates as much as we would like. We usually stay home together as a family and have movie night with Miriam in our bed! She thinks this is the biggest treat ever! But for our anniversary we decided we were going to go eat dinner at a nice restaurant in town called Flemings! Yum-o!
So, we got all dolled up, dropped Miriam off to Pop and Gran (Nathan's parents) and headed for dinner! This was a wonderful experience! It's a dark atmosphere, nice and quiet, so we had a great night and great conversation as we enjoyed some wonderful calamari for an appetizer!
But my favorite part was the entree'!! Since working at a fine dining restaurant through college I love nice food! So, Nathan had the filet with a side of lamb chop and I had the petit filet with crabmeat on top! Wow was it wonderful! We shared a side of Fleming's potatoes and sauteed mushrooms!(hungry thinking about it)! The whole dining experience was about 2 hours.
I was stuffed but was craving cheesecake! So, we headed to cheesecake bistro to grab a piece to go! I definitely ordered my favorite, Oreo Cheesecake! YUMMY!! But I ended up being way too full to eat it until breakfast, yes...breakfast! I couldn't let it sit any longer!
So, we had an amazing 6th anniversary together! Simple but sweet. I'm so excited for what the next 50+ years will bring to our marriage and I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to spend the rest of my life with! He truly is amazing!
Until Next time!!